Discover the blessing of being part of our family!
White Memorial Church is a Bible believing Christian community. We endeavor to create a close knit among and with the members of our church family. This is being articulated, practiced, and imbedded in our vision statement:
"We Love! We Care! We Share!"
Also, to foster a family that love, care, and share, we conduct weekly Bible Study for all ages, often known as "Sabbath School," and Sabbath Worship, Sabbath Fellowship lunch, Mid-week Manna (Prayer Meeting), and special social events. Our social media platforms (Facebook and YouTube) are great ways to stay connected and to learn more about the dynamics of our church family. Please give us a call to know more about us by dialing 207-757-4414.
Gration Perera, Senior Pastor
White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist® 97 Allen Ave Portland, ME 04103-3710 207-797-4414